2024 NAIWE Children’s Book Winner
Author: Namita Gandhi
Children are naturally very curious creatures, and they usually have many questions. Children often enjoy exploring and learning. And most small children enjoy learning about and discovering their bodies.
Namita Gandhi’s latest book, Immune Heroes, helps kids learn what happens inside their bodies when they fall and get an “ouchie.”
In the book, all of the cells have names that play on their technical names but are also much easier for children to say and remember. Captain T, the helper thymus cell or T cell, leads the team, enlisting the help of the necessary cells to protect the body from the enemy bacteria.
The book describes the entire process of how the body protects itself from bacteria and which cells are called on to perform certain duties. The images in the book aid children in visualizing what they may have read about in textbooks and encourage children to enjoy exploring science.
Immune Heroes brings out the fun in learning with children!
Congratulations, Namita Ganghi’s Immune Heroes for being a NAIWE 2023 Book Award winner!
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